One of the things we do as members of a family is to cherish and honour our family name. Nobody appreciates it when his or her family name is used loosely or associated with something that does not reflect the true values and character of their family.
As Christians, we too have a family name, and it’s JESUS. And when we use it as a curse word or exclamation or show shock and disgust e.g “Fuck Jesus!” or “OMG,” or “Jesu!” or “Jisos!” or the euphemism, “geeze,” “Darn,” “Jeewiz,” etc, we are taking his name in vain. This is the reason that the name of Jesus does not make a difference in the lives and circumstances of some people because the name has lost its power in their mouth. Romans 10:13 reminds us of the power of the name,
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Again Philippians 2:10 says “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow....”
You cannot continue to dishonour the name and expect it to work for you. The name is not a mantra for deliverance. No, it is about a person. The power of the name is in the knowledge of the one who bears the name. DO YOU KNOW JESUS ENOUGH TO CALL ON JESUS? A popular song says, ‘...If all I say is Jesus, that will be enough.’ The name is enough. But you need to know him personally and value the name.
So, let us begin to value our family name. Let every time you mention JESUS be in faith and honour. Stop making silly jokes with the name of Jesus. May God help us to do so in Jesus name. Amen.
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